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YourCare supplier

Broken Hill City Council Community Options

Broken Hill City Council Community Options provides case management and brokerage services to frail aged and younger people with a disability with complex care needs who are at risk of premature admission to residential care. Services are provided to assist these people to remain living independently in their home. Support is also available to their carers through the National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP). Services include: Case Management, Personal Care, Shopping, Domestic Assistance, Gardening, Respite Care, Individual Transport Assistance and Laundry. Also provides case management through the ComPacks Project of care for up to 6 weeks after discharge from hospital. This service has been established for people who need two or more community services to ensure that people can return home safely with appropriate care in place.

HACC Centre
72 Gypsum Street
State: NSW
Postcode: 2880

(08) 8080 3600

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Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

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I'm on a full Aged Pension, and my health is good. I currently rent a unit in Chelsea, Vic (1695 per month). I have limited funds at my disposal. My biggest asset is my 5-year old car. I need to know if there is any possibility of retirement living for me.

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Christine Wilson

Merrimac, Australia

I'm trying to live and pay bills on less $100 per fortnight and desperately need some vouchers for fresh vegies and meat and any other assistance available. I'm an aged pensioner.

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