Brookvale Early Intervention Centre
Specialist care for youth aged 18-30 with a recent first psychotic episode. Staff offer counselling, support and assistance to the young person and family for up to 3 Years. There are also family information evenings. The Aged Care Team offers community consultation and time limited case management to the Northern Beaches residents aged 65+ with a mental illness. Clients must have severe depression or bipolar affective disorder, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, significant suicidal ideation or intent or Dementia with comorbid psychiatric disorder. Clients who have a primary diagnosis of Organic Mental Disorder are not considered appropriate referrals for the Aged Care Mental Health Team in the first instance.
1 Brookvale Avenue
State: NSW
Postcode: 2100
(02) 9938 5350
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
A friend of mine who is mother who is ill ( not infectious) of infant and young child in need of help in her home.
She is very fatigued.
Hello everyone I'm looking for a place close to Balmoral that can help my family and I with food shopping this week. Everything has gotten in top of us with covid and loss of work hours and I am unable to get to many places often
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