Cancer Council ACT Inc
Community based organisation providing a range of services to reduce the incidence of cancer and to provide information and support for those affected by a diagnosis of cancer. Services include: Cancer Helpline, information booklets, library, facilitated support groups, volunteer peer assistance and the wig service.
5 Richmond Ave
State: ACT
Postcode: 2609
(02) 6257 9999
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
ACT, Australia
Provides a free, anonymous, confidential 24 hour phone service for people under stress, in crisis, or with any problem-131114. 24 hour emergency assistance G-Line 1800 633 635 for gambling, Mental Health Crisis Service 1800 629 354. During Business hours Phone 6247 0655 for face to face counselling for gambling and LYNX Lifeline Youth Networx provides a range of services for young people. 24 hours-CEAS Canberra Emergency Accomodation Service phone 6257 2333, information counselling and referral on emergency accomodation.
Visit supplier >Individual, couple and family counselling including outreach program providing veterans and their families living in rural, remote and outer metropolitan areas with access to counsellors. Group programs provide a variety of educative and theraputic groups to enhance the quality of life for veterans and their families. Veterans line provides after hours telephone crisis counselling.
Visit supplier >West Ryde
Hi I need some help for basic needs as I have nothing until I start and paid with new part time job - which I presume will be within 2-4 weeks. My housemates are helping with rent but that is all help that I've got. I've also lost contact for help from families and friends. My evidence documents were not enough to receive support from Vinnies and other organisation.
I hope to receive some help
West mackay
I'm currently homeless with no car and desperately hungry. I'm also seeking some financial support
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