Capabilities Employment Service Inc
Provides individual employment placement and training service to adults with a disability. Services- Employment preparation, Job Search Placement, Post Placement Support, Wage Subsidies, Supported Employment School Transition Program, Registered Training Organisation delivering - Becoming a Worker Program.
514 Sturt Street
State: QLD
Postcode: 4810
(07) 4771 5922
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Community Employment Options Inc
QLD, Australia
Provides employment related services for people who experience barriers to employment such a youth, mature aged, and people with learning problems, medical conditions and disabilities. Provide career assessment, job searching and on the job support and training. Participants must be of working age and be deemed eligible for the programs via Centrelink and the Job Capacity Assessors. Participants may access the service directly through Community Employment Options offices.
Visit supplier >Community Employment Options Inc
QLD, Australia
Provides employment related services for people who experience barriers to employment such a youth, mature aged, and people with learning problems, medical conditions and disabilities. Provide career assessment, job searching and on the job support and training. Participants must be of working age and be deemed eligible for the programs via Centrelink and the Job Capacity Assessors. Participants may access the service directly through Community Employment Options offices.
Visit supplier >Goodna
Hi I am in goodna qld just wondering if anyone can help with fuel vouchers please
Visit member >Albury
Hi, I was wanting to know if i can access Telstra vouchers online somewhere? or do i still need to attend St Vincent DePaul's to obtain them! Can someone please advise me.
Also can anyone assist and or advise me on obtaining cheaper and permanent accommodation via services relevant my lease ends this November i am in a high rental house and need to get out of here as i cannot afford this anymore....thanking you with kind regards Susan