Centre for Counselling and Psychology Padbury
Centre for counselling and psychology services provides psychology services, specialising in the area/s of Personal, panic attacks/anxiety disorders, grief/loss, depression, stress, trauma, lifestyle change, carer family support, relationship communication, conflict, separation and divorce.
3-4/73 Gibson Ave
State: WA
Postcode: 6025
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
Visiting specialist services require GP referral. Include hand & reconstructive surgeon (Dr Craig Smith), acupuncture. Other services offered include obstetrics, sports medicine, anaesthetics, psychological counselling, child health and immunisations. Drs - Robinson, Healy, Cohen, Taylor, Koukourou, Jones, Greenham & Bryce.
Visit supplier >Jennifer El Hassani - Psychologist
WA, Australia
Clinical Psychologist: Personal and Relationship issues. Individual, Marital and Family Therapy, Hypnotherapy. Private Health Insurance Rebates. Medicare rebates but must be GP referred.
Visit supplier >Geraldton
Is there somewhere in Geraldton that I can get a food and fuel voucher?
Single mum of 3 living in the car
Pendle Hill, Australia
House cleaning is all about making your home feel clean and fresh. It's the simple act of tidying up, wiping down surfaces, and vacuuming floors to keep things neat and nice. By getting rid of dust and dirt, you create a healthier space where you can relax and enjoy life. Ever wondered about some interesting facts about house cleaning? Well, get ready for some fun! Did you know that the average person spends about a year and a half cleaning their home? Crazy, right? By knowing these cool facts, you'll not just change how you clean but also amaze your friends with fun house cleaning facts!