Commonwealth Carer Respite and Carelink Centre/Carer's Choice - Central Highlands
The Commonwealth Carelink Centre is a nation wide link between health and community care sectors to provide individuals, carers, service providers, general practitioners and other health professionals with access to information about and referral to health and community care services for the aged and disabled. The Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre and Carer's Choice provides information, support and practical assistance to carers of people who are frail aged, have dementia, a disability, chronic illness, mental illness or a palliative condition. They can help with short term and emergency respite for carers in need of a break as well as assistance with respite planning.
Queen Elizabeth Centre,
102 Ascot Street South
State: VIC
Postcode: 3350
1800 052 222 FREE CA
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Mobile Aged Psychiatry Service (MAPS)
VIC, Australia
Covers Port Phillip, Stonnington, Caulfield and Malvern areas of Glen Eira. Referral - self / family / dr /other health professional. if under 65 - see Triage/CATT team at hospital
Visit supplier >Mallee Track Health & Community Service
VIC, Australia
Mallee Track Health and Community Service - Planned Activity Groups (PAG)
Visit supplier >Bundaberg
I’m Single Mumma Of 1 We Are Currently Homeless Due To Leaving A Dv Relationship And Help With Food/Fuel Would Be Greatly Appreciate Please
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