Community Health Centre - Gundagai
The Gundagai Community Health Centre provides a comprehensive range of health care services to residents of, and visitors to, the Gundagai Shire. The Gundagai Community Health Centre includes both locally based services and visiting services. Locally based services include: Generalist Community Nurse/Aged Care Coordinator (including asthma education), Day Centre and Community Nursing Service. Visiting services include: Drug and Alcohol Worker, Child and Family Health Nurse, Continence Adviser, Dietitian, Mental Health Team (adult/child and adolescent), Occupational Therapist, Sexual Assault Service, Speech Pathologist, Women's Health Nurse and Generalist Counsellor (this position currently vacant). Community nursing service will provide palliative care.
O'Hagen St
State: NSW
Postcode: 2722
(02) 6944 1297
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Ladies and men's hairdresser. 30 years.
Quality hairdressing services in your home.
Haircuts. Perms. Blowwaves.
No coloring services.
A friend of mine who is mother who is ill ( not infectious) of infant and young child in need of help in her home.
She is very fatigued.