Community Health - Gloucester
Child and family counsellor 0-18 years, paediatric speech pathology, visiting dietician, paediatric OT, audiologist, diversional therapy - aged and disability, diabetic education, mental health, generalist nursing, women's health and sexual assault counselling outreach. No asthma programs. Visiting paediatric physiotherapy and genetic counselling, visiting drug and alcohol counsellor. Continence, renal, child & family health nurse, palliative care nursing, social welfare officer, visiting podiatrist and cardiac rehabiliation group.
Church St
State: NSW
Postcode: 2422
(02) 6558 1011
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
South Albury
I hope everyone is doing well. I was just wondering what the process is for applying for emergency food vouchers?
I am currently in between jobs, and my savings and centrelink are allocated to rent and medical expenses.
As of June, I'll be starting my new job but until then, I'm not sure how easy it will be to afford groceries.
Thanks for any advice,
Hi I’m disabled pensioner after my motor bike Accident 63 y old
My Center link money is not much
And I can’t buy fruit or vegetables meat when u can help me is great
Living unit 296 /83-93 Dalmeny ave Rosebery 2018 0416 053 206 thanks
I don’t have computer or laptop I can’t do image