Concord Early Childhood Centre
The service provides information and support to parents and carers to encourage the optimal physical, social and emotional health of their children from birth to 5 years. Child and Family Health Nurses who are Registered Nurses with specialized qualifications and experienced in counseling families with young children staff the Service. To provide a specialty service for the indigenous community the service includes the Aboriginal Health Education Officers. The service is supported by the following health professionals - doctors, nurse audiometrists, early childhood nutritionist, orthopedist, speech pathologists, physiotherapist and occupational therapist.
57a Wellbank St
State: NSW
Postcode: 2137
(02) 9743 1654
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
NSW, Australia
Counselling, support, information and advocacy. Clinical psychology, relationship counselling.
Visit supplier >Community Health Service - Kempsey
NSW, Australia
Community Health offers a wide range of health services on site as well as local schools, early childhood centres and client's homes. In addition, services are conducted in partnership with schools, businesses, community groups and other organisations. Services include Alcohol and Other Drugs, Audiometry, Community Dieticians, Community Nursing, Diabetes Education, Palliative Care, Podiatry, Speech Pathology, Stomal Therapy and Renal Dialysis.
Visit supplier >Little bay
Hi I’m Lisa I’m disabled and on DSP
I’m to young for aged care and ndis wont help, I have social anxiety, morbidly obese, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, nerve and disc damage to my spine with sciatica and I can’t maintain my lawns anymore, was wondering in anyone would help me please
Seeking personal alarm details and price.
I have a referral number and am a full pensioner
Carole Maxwell