Endeavour Foundation - Endeavour Industries Redcliffe
Endeavour Foundation - Redcliffe factory provides work training for men and women with mild / moderate intellectual disability. Work undertaken at the factory consists of contract packaging, industial rags supplies and wooden stakes and peg supplies.
46 High Street
State: QLD
Postcode: 4021
(07) 3284 0199
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Blue Care Respite Service Gayndah Biggenden
QLD, Australia
Centre operates 4 days per week for HACC eligible clients, including frail aged, young people with disabilities and their carers. Also offers pastoral care and counselling. Transport to and from centre and community activities. Personal and grooming services are avaiable at the centre. Fees and charges: $4 per day + $3 for meals.
Visit supplier >Unley park
keep adelaide going strong and rwlatw us pkease to all beautiful greenpeace sites we used to have greenleft papers why no trust activists
Visit member >Merrimac, Australia
I'm trying to live and pay bills on less $100 per fortnight and desperately need some vouchers for fresh vegies and meat and any other assistance available. I'm an aged pensioner.
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