Flexible Family Support Program - Mackay
Provides flexible Family Support to families in the Mackay District who have a child under 18 yrs with a disability. Funding is through DSQ and the services are limited by the number of families in the program at any one time.
15 Harbour Road
State: QLD
Postcode: 4740
(07) 4944 1989
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Blue Care Respite Service Gayndah Biggenden
QLD, Australia
Centre operates 4 days per week for HACC eligible clients, including frail aged, young people with disabilities and their carers. Also offers pastoral care and counselling. Transport to and from centre and community activities. Personal and grooming services are avaiable at the centre. Fees and charges: $4 per day + $3 for meals.
Visit supplier >Normanville
Sorry i am in SA post code 5204 i need food and fuel age pensioner with 2 children.can i get some help. A 3rd child on weekends thank you
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