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YourCare supplier

Member of the Australian Association for Occupational Therapists Tas Inc. Registered with the HIC to provide services under the Australian Governments HEW Medicare Items for Allied Health Services under MBS Item 10958.

Level 2, Macquarie St
Suburb: HOBART
State: TAS
Postcode: 7000

(03) 6224 2080

Get 15% off your first order! Simply enter CARE15 at the checkout. Visit the shop When you care about the cost of care

Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

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With your help, we’ll advocate for all Australians to get a fair go. Together we can make a difference. Join now
Co-owned with Members
Coming soon. We want to share in any future success, so we’ll invite members to become co-owners.
Private and protected
We believe your data should always be private and secure. You’ll always be in control.

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