Good Health Greenhills
The surgery provides the following services. House calls when required, Nursing home and hostel visiting, Nutritional and environmental medicine, Shared obstetric care with antenatal clinics or private obstetrician, Family planning and Gynaecology including diaphragm, and IUD fitting, hormone implants plus menopause management. Advice and information on travellers, workers compensation, children's immunisation, a comprehensive recall system for pap smears, immunisations, blood pressure checks, breast examinations, counselling, geriatrics, paediatrics, Asthmas, smoking cessation, all avenues of preventive health care, assessment of moles and other skin lesions, allergy testing, Audiometry, women's clinic, Sex and sexual disease education, Chiropractor, Dietitian and medical herbalist, and speech pathologist
6 Molly Morgan Drive
State: NSW
Postcode: 2323
(02) 4939 4777
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Women's Health Centre - Coffs Harbour
NSW, Australia
Providing women's health services from puberty to menopause. Female doctors and women's health nurses for medical treatment and screening tests for women, particularly gynaecological. Outreach clinics throughout region. Doctors and Nurses Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm. Acupuncture Monday 9am-5pm. Massage Tuesday and Thursday 9am-5pm. Youth GP Clinic at PCYC - 74 Bray St, Coffs Harbour: Mon 9am-5pm Thurs 9am-1p (12-25 yrs).
Visit supplier >Surfers Paradise
Hi I am wondering who does good vouchers on the Gold coast and how I can try to get some assistance please
Visit member >Ipswich, Australia
With our lockdown, the down turn of my job and not qualifying for the new government assistance, not having a vehicle to run myself around I am putting my kids ahead of my own stigma today and ask for any assistance with obtaining support with some groceries, to make matters more difficult I have a child with sever allergies to nuts, dairy and wheat and the urgent issue of epipens which I need to prioritize in having renewed - this also makes food shopping near impossible utilizing the support of local food bank and significantly more expensive. Is there any food vouchers that can be accessed online to use with the supermarkets who offer a click and collect service or home delivery?
Visit member >