Hedland Personnel
Hedland Personel is a specialised employment agency to assist people with disabilities obtain and maintain placement in open employment
10 Welsh Street
State: WA
Postcode: 6722
(08) 9172 2966
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Activ Business Services - Bunbury
WA, Australia
Full employment for adults with disabilities. . Three workshops in Bunbury - 1. Packaging and assembly services. 2. Sewing 3. Timber Products, all based at same site.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Activ provides vocational Training and Paid supported employment in the commercial area of building products, Industrial services, textiles, and property care for people with disabilities. Individuals must be over 15 years of age, be receiving a Disability Support Pension, and be independant in self care.
Visit supplier >Haigslea, Australia
Hi my name is Trent. I have been unemployed since February 10th, I have applied for jobseeker but my claim was rejected and now is being reassessed by the complex review team. I am in need of some food and personal items as I have fully out welcomed my friends and family for support. I have a rental bill through my Aunty but they are not chasing me down for it. If anyone could help me I will be much appreciated. This is the first time I have ever had to ask for help and it’s a hard thing to do.
Visit member >Ballarat
How to access government funded Home Care Services in Victoria via VIDEO LINK or TELEPHONE Sessions.
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