Independent Living Centre of WA (Inc.)
The Independent Living Centre of Western Australia (ILC) provides an information service on assistive technology and equipment and now includes Home and Community services.Equipment is not sold by this service, but clients are provided with detailed print information from the ILC's database of approximately 7,000 items. This information describes items and provides information about the suppliers and the approximate costs of the items. We can provide training and information sessions on a range of topics, including Manual Handling and Person Handling for Carers, Selecting the right Scooter or Wheelchair, products to manage incontinence, Making Living Easier for People with Arthritis, Communication and Computer Devices, Transport and Travel Options, Seating and Pressure Management, Hoists and Transfer Equipment and more. Mobile Information and Equipment Display Unit is a caravan with examples of equipment that travels throughout the country regions of WA.
Unit 13 , 386 Wanneroo Road
3 Lemmos Street
State: WA
Postcode: 6061
(08) 9381 0696
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
Family holiday accommodation - reasonable rates. Seniors' holiday one week in March each year. Priority to families with children during school holidays. Totally wheelchair accessible. Linen provided (sheets, pillowcases and towels) $8 per person. TV (no charge). Washing machine available at $1 per load. Fees: $88 per night per unit non- members, $77 members.
Visit supplier >RUCSN Great Southern Inclusion Support Agency (GSISA)
WA, Australia
RUCSN (Resource Unit for Children With Special Needs Inc) Country Inclusion Support Agency is called Great Southern Inclusion Support Agency (GSISA) and its aim is to help Commonwealth-funded children's services include children with additional needs. 'Additional needs' refers to children from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background (CALD), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, South Sea Islander children and children with disabilities and special needs. Commonwealth Funded Children's Services in Western Australia includes Private and Community-based Long Day Care, Family Day Care, Outside School Hours Care, some Vacation Care, some Occasional Care and Year Round Care. RUCSN's Regional Inclusion Pools are funded by the Department of Family and Community Services(FAHCSIA) and are Australia-wide.The aim of the Inclusion Support Program is to promote and maintain high quality care for all children, including those with additional needs.
Visit supplier >Bundaberg
I’m Single Mumma Of 1 We Are Currently Homeless Due To Leaving A Dv Relationship And Help With Food/Fuel Would Be Greatly Appreciate Please
Visit member >Harvey
Rural west australia. Looking for in-house overnight aged care support for about 1 week in June.
Visit member >