Kidney Health Australia - Qld
Fees apply. : Provide education and support to persons with kidney disease and their carers/family :Provide education/support to healthcare professionals :Educate and screen general pu8blic re Kideny Disease :Advocate for consumers :Education Forums 2 x yearly : Consumer participation committee meetings every 2 months :Kidney Kids Capers x 1 yearly Accessibility of venue varies - please contact Beth for details : Child vs Adult programs
State: QLD
Postcode: 4102
[07] 3167 1069
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
AIR is a nationwide, nonpolitical organisation endeavouring to reduce discrimination at all levels of government against retirees who do not receive a full pension. It provides information and discussion at meetings at 10am second Friday of each month at Burnett Bowls Club, Bundaberg. 1800 063 304 is a membership enquiry line.
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Help please. Been sleeping rough been offered a caravan for a week to start but I've no food or absolutely nothing I'm eeverely in hardship,I'm 47 lost my 20 year old son April this year to road trauma then 2months later rushed in emergency surgery I have access in spine x2 whilst in hospital fir 2 months all my personal belongings were stolen along with clothes EVERYTHING then relaesd to no were to live sk been on streets so having to learn to walk again in constant excruciating pain doing outpatient rehabilitation if I can come up with rent money I can stay in van ongoing so please in desperate need of foods personal hygiene stuff some cleaning stuff I've nothing all my belongings were stolen whilst in hospital so I've no clothes blankets it's really nearly got me just giving up and exiting to be with my son again I'm 47and have nothing having to start over again but also in severe pain constantly so please help with food also any fincial assistance be greatly appreciated in desperate need thankyou.
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