Lower Hunter Temporary Care Inc.
Host Family Respite Care, Saturday Fun Club, Integrated Vacation Care, 13-17YO (social support), Flexible Respite Options & Aged Parents Respite Options:Respite to carers of people who have a moderate to severe disability aged 0 to 65 with care provided in a volunteer host family's home. School aged children with a disability attend Saturday Fun Club once a month, which provides respite for their family.Primary school aged children with a disability participate in Integrated Vacation Care activities.Young people with a moderate-severe disability, aged 13-17 participate in social activities and outings through the 13-17YO service. Flexible Respite Options provides various forms of respite, including in-home respite, out-of-home overnight respite, holiday respite, recreational activities & emergency with a disability with moderate-high support needs. Aged Parents Respite Options: respite for older parents caring for a son or daughter with a disability with moderate-high support needs.
Kurri Kurri Hospital
Lang St
State: NSW
Postcode: 2327
1300 731 556
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Special Olympics North West New England Region
NSW, Australia
Transport to carnivals by rail or private bus company.
Visit supplier >Pyrmont
I have been a bit lost for 8 months. My family broke apart after my wife attacked me with scissors and destroyed all my belongings and cut up all my clothes. my wife then took my kids away (who were in my care) and threatened to take them to China. Blocked all contact I've not known where they were till last month and I've been left couch surfing and living off the good graces of a few friends.
Visit member >New Farm
My mate is need of free food voucher asap near or around nelw farm area Brisbane. Please can anyone help me mate out please
Visit member >