MaryCare Hervey Bay
Voluntary group providing casserole bank, handyperson jobs, home help, transportation, visitation services on a short term basis.
Parish Office Hervey Bay City Catholic Parish
Bryant St
State: QLD
Postcode: 4655
(07) 4124 7412
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Blue Care Blue Nursing Mount Morgan
QLD, Australia
Provides domiciliary nursing and in home respite care for people who are housebound; family, friends or self referral but doctors referral for medical procedures; palliative care, continence advisory service, sessional paramedical care. Reimbursement for dressings, syringes etc. donations accepted; Podiatry available at Mount Morgan Hospitall approx every eight weeks. Podiatrist does some house calls for veteran client only. Best contact for Carolyn is the mobile number listed.
Visit supplier >Central Qld Community Health Service
QLD, Australia
Assistance to the frail aged and people with disabilities. This service will enable clients to continue to live independently in the community. Social work, Domestic assistance and occupational therapy, speech pathology and indigenous health offered from this centre. Referrals accepted from other clients doctors and other health professionals.
Visit supplier >Normanville
Sorry i am in SA post code 5204 i need food and fuel age pensioner with 2 children.can i get some help. A 3rd child on weekends thank you
Visit member >Albury
Hi, I was wanting to know if i can access Telstra vouchers online somewhere? or do i still need to attend St Vincent DePaul's to obtain them! Can someone please advise me.
Also can anyone assist and or advise me on obtaining cheaper and permanent accommodation via services relevant my lease ends this November i am in a high rental house and need to get out of here as i cannot afford this anymore....thanking you with kind regards Susan