Meals on Wheels - Swansea
Meals provided on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Frozen meals for other days. Meals are fresh cooked and delivered HOT between 11.15am & 12.30pm on Mon, Wed, & Fri. Cold meals available if preferred. Alternate frozen meals for other days..
26 Josephson St
State: NSW
Postcode: 2281
1300 731 556
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Meals on Wheels - Armidale Uralla
NSW, Australia
Clients will be billed monthly to save volunteers collecting cash. Not open Public Holidays
Visit supplier >Meals on Wheels (MOW) - Inverell
NSW, Australia
Cater to individual dietary needs eg diabetes - likes and dislikes. Frozen meals weekend / out of town.
Visit supplier >I am looking for a hairdresser to come my home to cut my hair. As I have head nerve pain I need someone who can help. I live near Mona Vale.
Visit member >Rosebery
Hi I’m disabled pensioner after my motor bike Accident 63 y old
My Center link money is not much
And I can’t buy fruit or vegetables meat when u can help me is great
Living unit 296 /83-93 Dalmeny ave Rosebery 2018 0416 053 206 thanks
I don’t have computer or laptop I can’t do image