MultiCare Family Medical Centre
Medical centre providing; Dental, GP's; Gastroenterology services; visiting Gynaecologist, Pathology services. No home visits, but have after hours service available Ph 02 87246300 No home visits.
240-242 Liverpool Rd
State: NSW
Postcode: 2131
(02) 9798 6999
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Community Health Centre - Hillston
NSW, Australia
Community Health Centre provides the following services; Child and Family Nursing, immunisations, school health, District Nursing and Speech Pathology. Visiting services from Griffith include Womens health nurse, Aboriginal health Education Worker, Diabetes educator, Dietician, Drug and Alcohol worker, Healthy Communities Worker, Sexual Assault Worker, Mental Health, Aged Care Assessment and Childrens Dental Clinic.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Provides free dental assessment & treatment if you come under the following criteria: NSW resident, pre-school age child, under 18 & attend school, over 18 with current Health Care card, Veterans Affairs card holder, or Pension Concession card. When making appointment by phone must give number & expiry date of card. Must have Medicare card, Health Care/Pension card. Both cards must be brought to all appointments. Children must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Allied with Berrigan & Jerilderie (see separate entries). Also services Tooleybuc, Tocumwal, Barham, Moama, Moulamein
Visit supplier >new lambton
Hello. Catherine here. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I am not able to feed myself. I have let my car rego go because I cant afford the greenslip. After I pay my rent and other bills I have no money left for food. PLEASE help
Visit member >Little bay
Hi I’m Lisa I’m disabled and on DSP
I’m to young for aged care and ndis wont help, I have social anxiety, morbidly obese, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, nerve and disc damage to my spine with sciatica and I can’t maintain my lawns anymore, was wondering in anyone would help me please