Multicultural Day Care Project (Sutherland Shire)
Offers centre based daycare for frail, disabled, older people from Chinese, Greek, Italian speaking backgrounds and mixed multicultural group. Transport, morning tea and lunch is provided. Craft, guest speakers, music and bus trips are some of the organised activities available. Groups alternated each week call to check.
39 Gymea Bay Rd
Suburb: GYMEA
State: NSW
Postcode: 2227
(02) 9524 9559
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
NSW, Australia
Provides a respite care service to local government areas of Deniliquin, Conargo, Berrigan, Murray & Jerilderie Shires. Respite Care provides In Home Respite, Long Term Respite, Day Activity Programs e.g Mens groups and Day Care.
Visit supplier >Parmelia
Hello I'm urgently wanting assistance please for Food Voucher and Bus/Train assistance.
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