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NSW Sport and Recreation

The Department provides a variety of resources including: Financial assistance to help build and develop sporting facilities, nurture sport talent and develop the sport and recreation industry. Sport Education, Children's school holiday activities, adult programs; Advice and information on any aspect of sport and recreation via the website as above, information resources and expert staff at the regional office; Industry development assisting local sporting organisations; Outdoor education and recreation at Broken Bay the Department's Centre. Increasing opportunities for participation of under represented groups such as people with disabilities, women, older adults, youth at risk and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders & the general public The Department publishes a Disability Awareness Resource Guide - that lists sport and recreation facilities for people with a disability call 13 13 02 to obtain a copy.

University of Newcastle - Ourimbah Campus
Brush Rd
State: NSW
Postcode: 2258

(02) 4362 3184

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Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

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