Occupational Therapy - Scottsdale
Available for contact Tuesday and Wednesday in Scottsdale. At other times contact the Launceston General Hospital.
North Eastern Soldiers Memorial Hospital
17 Cameron St
State: TAS
Postcode: 7260
(03) 6352 5533
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
TAS, Australia
Service Provides : Occupational Therapy assessment within client's home, by appointment . Answer phone 24 hrs.
Visit supplier >TAS, Australia
Service provides nursing care, personal care,home help and home maintenance for frail aged, disabled, younger disabled and early discharge. Hours are as required.
Visit supplier >REDBANK PLAINS (QLD)
I am in desperate Need of food and food vouchers but I don’t drive to be able to pick anything up does anyone know any services that may deliver to redbank plains please
Visit member >New Farm
My mate is need of free food voucher asap near or around nelw farm area Brisbane. Please can anyone help me mate out please
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