Pilgrim House
The Hostel comprises three wings which house 24 residents -all within individual rooms with ensuites. 15 of the places are for residents with dementia. There is a dining room in each wing with various lounges and quiet areas throughout. Pilgrim Hostel provides: Hotel services Accommodation basic furnishings; and Residential care services Pilgrim Hostel has a Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapist overseeing an activities program carried out by Therapy Assistants. Residents have the opportunity to go on bus outings. Independent Living Units:- There are 7 units in the grounds of Pilgrim House all are one bedroom and each have an emergency call bell system . Pastoral Care is offered by the Chaplain to all residents. Other Services Podiatrist - every 3rd week Hairdresser - one day per week Physiotherapist - 1 day a week, assistant is on site everyday. Occupational Therapist - One day per week .
22 Wolsely Rd
State: WA
Postcode: 6158
(08) 9339 2830
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Corrigin Senior Citizens Centre
WA, Australia
The Senior's Village at Lynch Street in Corrigin contains fourteen Independent Living Units , with three x 2 bedroom units and the other eleven are single bedroom units. All are rentals. There is a community hall and Men's shed on site for all residents to use.There are various activities held in the hall- cards on Mondays , Exercise on Tuesday and Thursday and Carpet Bowls on Wednesdays. Corrigin HACC run an Adult Day Care on Tuesdays at the hall. The Men's Shed has been converted to include pool tables and carpeted areas for "olympic seniors games" and the men meet here each Wednesday. All enquiries about the Village and availability is through the President and Secretary of the Senior Citizen's Committee.The Village and Senior Citizens Centre is all on the same site.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Southern Cross is the major town centre of the Shire of Yilgarn and is 370km east of Perth along the Great Eastern Highway. Other town sites in the Shire include Bodallin, Bullfinch, Ghooli, Koolyanobbing, Marvel Loch, Moorine Rock and Yellowdine.There are recreational , sporting and community facilities. Yilgarn Homes for the Aged are 12 single bedroom units and are all rentals. They are situated 42-44 Antares Road. Facilities Include :- Southern Cross Golf Club Southern Cross Airfield Southern Cross Train Station Cemetery Swimming Pool Southern Cross Community Centre Southern Cross Senior Citizen's Centre Southern Cross Recreation Complex Southern Cross Tennis Club Southern Cross Motorcycle Club Yilgarn Bowling Club
Visit supplier >Warwick
Hi I just moved here and Iam in need of a food voucher to get me though the next week thankyou
Visit member >Ipswich, Australia
With our lockdown, the down turn of my job and not qualifying for the new government assistance, not having a vehicle to run myself around I am putting my kids ahead of my own stigma today and ask for any assistance with obtaining support with some groceries, to make matters more difficult I have a child with sever allergies to nuts, dairy and wheat and the urgent issue of epipens which I need to prioritize in having renewed - this also makes food shopping near impossible utilizing the support of local food bank and significantly more expensive. Is there any food vouchers that can be accessed online to use with the supermarkets who offer a click and collect service or home delivery?
Visit member >