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YourCare supplier

R.R.R Mowing Woodford

Local mowing service for the Caboolture/ Woodford Region, offering , push and ride on mower, hedge trimming, whipper snipper, pruning, and Yard Cleaning.

1 Cruice Dr
State: QLD
Postcode: 4514

(07) 5496 1571

Get 15% off your first order! Simply enter CARE15 at the checkout. Visit the shop When you care about the cost of care

Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

Join the campaign
With your help, we’ll advocate for all Australians to get a fair go. Together we can make a difference. Join now
Co-owned with Members
Coming soon. We want to share in any future success, so we’ll invite members to become co-owners.
Private and protected
We believe your data should always be private and secure. You’ll always be in control.

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SB Care provides HACC and NRCP funded programmes: Centre based respite at Friendship Centres: Lakeview (Kingaroy), Gateway (Nanango) and Timbertowns (Blackbutt). Social suport/Community access, In-home respite, Information and referral, Carer support group and Home maintenance. Within that framework, support is given to frail, aged people and younger people with a disability in a manner that is reflective of their age and interest. SB Care also provides services to people with individual DSQ funded packages.

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Provides Home maintence services for frail aged and younger disabled. Our aim is to provide supportive home help to assist in keeping people in their own home where possible. Assist with minor maintenance and modifications such as ramps and rails, gardening and mowing for people who are unable to do their own. Serves Monto and surrounds.

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Recent discussions

jonathon ryan

Eglinton, Australia

hi how are you. im in WA and have just lost nearly everything. i am desperate for some financial support. i have no phone9well an old one that can recieve msgs and calls 0 but have no credit, i have no food, i am trying to put what i have left into storage but have no fuel to continue and my storage unit is almost full but its all i could afford. i am desperate for any help, i dont want cash just someway off getting petrol in my car would help me soo much.thanks

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Needing food for me and my son

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