Rich River Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Clinic
Provider No. 718713B Acupunture and Chinese Herbal Therapy is also available at this clinic. Stock items available for sale.
342 High St
Suburb: ECHUCA
State: VIC
Postcode: 3564
(03) 5480 1655
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Bayside Planned Activity Groups (HACC)
VIC, Australia
Programs are as follows: Monday Mob - Activities for those with a physical disability who want to maintain their indipendence, physiotherapy is offered along with respite for carers (open for thos within the Bentleigh catchment area). Tuesday Treasures - Social & activities group for elderly persons who have a chronic illness, have been unwell, frail or socially isolated. Activities include gardening, craft works, indoor games and social exercises. Thursday club - Programs for adults with memory difficulties. Hampton social group - same activities as Thur, however for those within the hampton catchment area. Stop Over - Program for persons with an aquired brain injury, aged between 18 - 55. Target groups, aged youth diasbled,
Visit supplier >South Albury
I hope everyone is doing well. I was just wondering what the process is for applying for emergency food vouchers?
I am currently in between jobs, and my savings and centrelink are allocated to rent and medical expenses.
As of June, I'll be starting my new job but until then, I'm not sure how easy it will be to afford groceries.
Thanks for any advice,
Jordan Springs
Hi my name is Tahlia just wondering if anyone can help asap with bedding and clothing vouchers .
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