Salvo Stores
Secondhand goods stores including clothes furniture and household goods.
Lot 5043 Salonika St
State: NT
Postcode: 820
(08) 8981 0993
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
St Vincent de Paul Society - Katherine
NT, Australia
Sells clothing and secondhand goods etc.
Visit supplier >NT, Australia
Sells stair-lifts standing & seated, straight & curved. Wheelchair stair-lifts, Low rise platform lifts, Dumbwaiters, Pool and Spa lifts. Lifts can be fitted for residental (including elevated houses)and commercial in and outside.
Visit supplier >Maddington
Can anyone please direct me to any organisations in Perth WA who can assist with food vouchers?
Visit member >Wamberal
My mum suffered a stroke in July and is currently in Woy Woy rehab centre. They’re hoping she’ll be home in 5/6 weeks. My dad is looking for someone to come in the mornings and evenings to help with mum. We are looking at between 4-6 hours per day. We’ll know more in 5/6 weeks as to the role itself but it’s standby assistance.