St George Health Service
1Victoria St
State: QLD
Postcode: 4487
(07) 4620 2222
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
QLD, Australia
Council/Community Health Clinics are held every Wednesday at 9 am -10 am except for the last Weds of the month - 3pm - 4pm at the Bauer-Wiles Complex, Winston Noble Drive. Registrations for clinics at the Council's Customer Service Section, Administration Centre, 431-433 Kent Street, telephone (07) 4190 5800 are necessary.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Public health service including visiting GP's and allied health services, See separate listing for Domicilary Nursing Service.
Visit supplier >Doonside
Hi I'm looking for a barber for home visit to cut my old bedridden uncle hair n shave his beard.
Visit member >MANGO HILL
I require a driver for my elderly mum at 11:00 daily to drive 1.5km in Scarborough to visit my Dad at Bally Cara. Are there any drivers who can assist?
Visit member >