Staffing Options for Community Services
Experienced disability and aged care staff avaliable for emergency and short-term support. On-going community linking, brokerage and contract agreements, emergency respite families, external recruitment negotiated. After hours emergency 0417 755 820 (Brisbane) or 0419 760 022 (Sunshine Coast).
Level 1/360 St Paul's Terrace
State: QLD
Postcode: 4006
(07) 3852 4822
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Blue Care Respite Service Gayndah Biggenden
QLD, Australia
Centre operates 4 days per week for HACC eligible clients, including frail aged, young people with disabilities and their carers. Also offers pastoral care and counselling. Transport to and from centre and community activities. Personal and grooming services are avaiable at the centre. Fees and charges: $4 per day + $3 for meals.
Visit supplier >Nollamara
Hello I'm a homeless man I'm unwell and I've been trying so hard to find accommodation it's hard being being unwell and homeless on the streets.Every morning I open my eyes I'm so thankful anther day I can spend with my daughter. i get so scared falling asleep not just because it's cold weather I don't know if It will be My last
Visit member >new lambton
Hello. Catherine here. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I am not able to feed myself. I have let my car rego go because I cant afford the greenslip. After I pay my rent and other bills I have no money left for food. PLEASE help
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