Stawell Intertwine Services Inc.
Day Programs provide people with a disability the opportunity to enhance their independence, skills, community participation, and quality of life. Day programs provide a range of activities from education to leisure, recreational pursuits, and may be a 'package' of services designed to meet an individual's needs. Transport is available. Priority is given to those who do not have access to an education, training or employment or have difficulties accessing services independently. Numerous supported employment opportunities provide avenues for paid employment in meaningful work. Other services include respite, older person's activities, supported recreation, behaviour management, massage, supported community access, advocacy support, attendant care and holidays with or without support.
6 Frayne Street
State: VIC
Postcode: 3380
(03) 5358 3394
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
VIC, Australia
People with disabilities / Older persons Pet companion volunteers visit pet owners in their home and provide assistance with a variety of pet care needs eg, exercising and grooming of pets.
Visit supplier >Wamberal
My mum suffered a stroke in July and is currently in Woy Woy rehab centre. They’re hoping she’ll be home in 5/6 weeks. My dad is looking for someone to come in the mornings and evenings to help with mum. We are looking at between 4-6 hours per day. We’ll know more in 5/6 weeks as to the role itself but it’s standby assistance.
Unley park
keep adelaide going strong and rwlatw us pkease to all beautiful greenpeace sites we used to have greenleft papers why no trust activists
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