Wallace Park ATSS
Clients must be funded for a Moving Forward or lifestyle package through DSQ. Adult training support services provide people with support and assistance to improve their quality of life through individual goals including recreational and vocational options. The focus of programs is on commmunity access. permanent part time staff plus volunteers.
54 Eumundi Rd
State: QLD
Postcode: 4566
(07) 5474 4707
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Community Lifestyle Agency Inc.
QLD, Australia
Funded through Disability Services of Queensland to support people with disabilities to live in their own home.
Visit supplier >Community Lifestyle Support Inc Bundaberg
QLD, Australia
Support depends on availability of funding from DSQ and other services. Assists people with a disability to establish a more independent lifestyle, provides support in their own home or help find them a home in the community. Community access program also available.
Visit supplier >DICKSON, Australia
Hi guys, we provide NDIS services with an immediate capacity in ACT, Victoria, NSW and Queensland
Visit member >Ipswich, Australia
Hi my name is Emma and I am a single mum of two teenagers and I am in need of help with a food Voucher and fuel voucher. I am and have been struggling financially for quite some time now and don't like asking for help, with minimum help from centrelink due to the kids ages and not being classed as a single mum and only one shift a week at work my situation has become worse and am not breaking even to pay rent and my other bills. There is no money left over for groceries or fuel. Can someone help please?
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