Yarrabah Health
Additional clinics not listed in services offered: Doctors now located at Yarrabah Health - Mon to Fri. Ear Nose Throat clinic every 4 to 6 months. Heart clinic every 4-8 weeks. Child Development Clinic every 4-8 weeks.
13 Smith St
State: QLD
Postcode: 4871
(07) 4056 9222
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
QLD, Australia
Council/Community Health Clinics are held every Wednesday at 9 am -10 am except for the last Weds of the month - 3pm - 4pm at the Bauer-Wiles Complex, Winston Noble Drive. Registrations for clinics at the Council's Customer Service Section, Administration Centre, 431-433 Kent Street, telephone (07) 4190 5800 are necessary.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Public health service including visiting GP's and allied health services, See separate listing for Domicilary Nursing Service.
Visit supplier >Nambucca Heads
Need someone to mow my lawn as I'm renting privately and cannot no longer afford to pay as my rent has increased $50 a Week. And my usual Chap has increased his rates, that I can no longer sustain unfortunately I'm in Nambucca Heads NSW Australia pH 0474539471
Visit member >DICKSON, Australia
Hi guys, we provide NDIS services with an immediate capacity in ACT, Victoria, NSW and Queensland
Visit member >