Tuggeranong Health Centre (ACT Community Care)
Offers a range of services including: aged day care; child health medical officer; community nursing; immunisation; child health clinic; nutritionist; physiotherapy; podiatry; social worker; child speech pathologist; women's health service and mental health/counselling unit.
Cnr Anketell and Pitman Sts
State: ACT
Postcode: 2900
(02) 6207 9977
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Tuggeranong Health Centre (ACT Community Care)
ACT, Australia
Offers a range of services including: aged day care; child health medical officer; community nursing; immunisation; child health clinic; nutritionist; physiotherapy; podiatry; social worker; child speech pathologist; women's health service and mental health/counselling unit.
Visit supplier >Dental Health Program (ACT Health)
ACT, Australia
ACT Community Health's Adult Dental Health Program provides a range of dental treatment to ACT residents who hold a current ACT Pension Concession or Healthcare card. Services are delivered from the Civic and Phillip health Centres. A triage service is provided over the phone to determine the the best trimeframe for the treatment. The following Adult Services are available: . Non urgent general restorative services - there is a waiting list. To register on the waiting list, contact your nearest clinic. . ACT Denture and Restorative Scheme. . Emergency dental services. You can access this service by contacting your nearest clinic to register on the waitling list. Phillip Health Centre (02) 62051463 or Moore St Health Building (02) 62050977
Visit supplier >Maddington
Can anyone please direct me to any organisations in Perth WA who can assist with food vouchers?
Visit member >Morningside
Hi, I'm just wondering where I can get food vouchers from in Morningside Qld.
Visit member >