NSW, Australia
Hospice service,volunteer service,home based care.Person must have a primary carer and live in the Byron Shire and Lennox Head. Service to assist people in the final stages of terminal illness so that they can remain at home.Provides respite for carer. Volunteers undergo a ten week intensive training program
Visit supplier >Caring Circle - Kyogle District Care Connections
NSW, Australia
Volunteers supporting ill, dying and frail aged people, and their carers and family in home, or at hospital, or in the Caring Circle Centre. Providing emotional, social and spiritual support as well as ongoing bereavement support. Service does not extend nursing or physical care. Carer's pamper morning on every first and third Thursday of the month at the Caring Circle Centre(cuppa, light massage & listening ear).
Visit supplier >Northern Sydney Home Nursing Service, Ryde Centre
NSW, Australia
Focuses on promotion of health & prevention of illness. Provides general nursing care, respiratory and cardiac monitoring, support to the aged or disabled, counselling and support to the terminally ill, their families and carers. Also provides advice on diet, safety, and mobility to assist recovery & enable people to stay at home.
Visit supplier >Palliative Care Association of NSW
NSW, Australia
Peak body for palliative care in NSW. Palliative care aims to support people who have a life-limiting illness.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
NGM Home Nurses is a private nursing service which offers general nursing care in the person's own home including personal care, medications, dressings and injections.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Volunteer emotional & practical support via free home respite, hospital companionship visits. Volunteers in palliative care play an important role because they operate from a different perspective than that of medical staff or paid respite workers. Volunteers have time to focus on the human side of pallative care. They are ordinary people who have received special training in communication/listening/grief & loss, that enable them to offer emotional and practical help that enables adults and children with a life limiting illness to remain independent for longer than otherwise possible. Home-based volunteers are able to offer a wide range of services: being with someone while their carer goes out, visiting the family, writing letters, minding children, helping with life enhancement projects or memory work gentle massage the list goes on. We also provide Volunteer Education courses, these are pre-requisite to becoming a P/C Volunteers. Volunteer education courses provided.
Visit supplier >Greenwich Community Palliative Care Service
NSW, Australia
Palliative Care aims to make people as comfortable and symptom free as possible during the course of a progressive life threatening illness. We aim to provide comprehensive support for the person, their family and other carers. Support embraces phsycial, psychological and spiritual needs. A multidisciplinary team works in consultation with your local doctor, Northern Sydney Home Nursing Service and other community support services. We also have information available on a range of other services (eg equipment) which provide assistance to people in their homes, and we will help you access these as necessary.
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