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The aim of transition planning is to assist young people and their families to make informed decisions about and preparation for options available to them at the end of their school education. It may involve planning in the areas of employment, vocational training, continuing education, leisure, transport and mobility etc. Officer for Innisfail and Tablelands- Rosemary Moyle - 40613162

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Flexible fee structure. Service runs "Long Live The Carer" program. Program offered for Depression - 'Enabling Life'. Workshop for stress prevention - 'Thrive not just survive'. Social skills for 8&9 yr olds-'Making Friends'

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Home Link Index registers your details and the contact info of those people you wish contacted in the event of an emergency.

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QLD, Australia

Sourcing multilingual publications for health and related issues. Advice on multicultural service delivery and practice. Client support. Advice on using interpreters. Delivery of cross cultural training to the Health and Community sector. Victor Nicoli - Coordinator of Training programs for carers and professionals. Isabelle Hati - HACC Multicultural Peninsula - email: (mob - in additional ph no. box)

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Assisting their clients to live a comfortable life in the community.

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Provides support to young people with a disability to experience a range of positive options enabling them to progress to adulthood.

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Port Curtis Day Respite

QLD, Australia

Port Curtis Day Respite is committed to providing a day respite centre to cater for the frail aged, elderly confused, disabled and socially isolated clients and their carers of Gladstone, Calliope and Miriam Vale.

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Bawu Living Skills Centre

QLD, Australia

GP referrals required for people who are not under the care of Cairns Integrated Mental Health Service.

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